Friday, June 10, 2011

The mouse in my mind...

Its 4 in the morning and theres a mouse in my room.

No, i am not a ridiculously early riser, but definitely a ridiculously late sleeper, and no i am not up so late because theres a mouse in my room. Theres not one piece of furniture except for my bed, on which i sit suffering from my insomnia like symptoms, that hasn't been climbed on, scurried upon, sniffed and tested by this inquisitive mouse. I call it inquisitive, and with good reason, because in-spite of innumerable hiding places thanks to amazing amount of clutter in my room, it has decided to make me an audience to it's athletic abilities. This mouse is certainly one of the most boldest ones that i have ever encountered, not that i have encountered many.

Its curiousness has made me curious about it. While it sits on the highest point of its mountain (that would be d couch with its multitude of bags and trash) with an unpredictable terrain, sniffing around for better vantage points, i am quite simply captivated by it, enough to start writing about it.

But then my over-active brain is not happy with just documenting this incident. I realized theres a theory to this behavior. We are drawn to any individual who behaves differently than predicted. I expect all mice to be tiny, meek and fearful of anything with a larger mass than them. But when one lone mouse decides to act differently than this expectation of mine, i unknowingly am drawn to its movements and continue watching it.

Similarly if a person, whom we interact with on daily basis, decides to suddenly start drinking tea instead of coffee, we notice it. We might not comment on it or voice our reaction, but we certainly notice it. Why do we do that ? why do we expect every individual to behave the same for the rest of their lives...?

this theory might be utter rubbish to me, after probably a good amount of sleep, but for now, its nicely nagging away in the back of my mind.. or maybe i am just losing my mind. after all what else do u expect from a person whos still awake at 4 in d morning...?

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