Sunday, July 31, 2011

My little french heaven..!

I just watched 'A good Year' and i am just irrevocably n deeply falling in love with everything french... the music, the wine, the food, the people and their lives.

Every time after watching or reading about something that had something very french about it, I had the deep longing to be able to just have enough money to buy a ticket and just stay there for a good 2 months there. Paris is a dream, but i would love to rent a car and just act all touristy and stay in a village inn, or maybe even a bed and breakfast, feast on cheese and drink my fill of country wine, sit in cafes all day.... oh that would be something... I think this just about sums my dream holiday... actually not. I dont think i can really put in words what i really feel when i start daydreaming about this perfect holiday... its overwhelming... its literally a love i haven't met but cant forget anyways. you can probably make put how truly lost i am in my fantasy when it comes to my piece of french heaven...

to be able to just sit back and relax, in some ancient rickety old wooden chair, in the view of some vineyards handed down the generations, to be able to catch the beautiful sunset with some delicious full bodied burgundy... ah... i wish.. and i just keep on wishing..!

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